Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Most Perfect Day Ever!

On our agenda today: a much anticipated swimming play date with some friends

The beach bag was packed, swimming suits washed and ready, and pool toys stuffed in the SUV. What’s that pitter-pattering on the roof? Could it actually be rain drops down here in South Texas? The kids were devastated that our swimming plans were snatched away just like that by Mother Nature. BUT… Kid #2 suggested we head outside to play in the rain. And, what a fabulous idea that was! After playing in the rain, the kids headed inside for warm bubble baths, put on their coziest jammies, and curled up together on the couch bed to watch Bambi. How innocent is that? Add pizza on trays in front of the TV and the fact that none of us have even brushed our teeth yet, and you have a truly perfect day!

And, yes, we did add a little Kindermusik magic to our day with the following rhyme that Kid #3 made us sing again and again and again….(Did you know that kids really do learn by repetition, so please grin and bear it, Moms!)

I hear thunder. I hear thunder.
Hear it roar. Hear it roar.

(Sing with a loud, low voice while pounding loudly on your lap.)
Pitter, pitter raindrops. Pitter, patter raindrops.
(Sing with a quiet, high voice while tapping lightly on your lap.)
I’m all wet. I’m all wet.
(Pretend you’re drying off.)

You can sing the song again while marching in a circle. March loudly for the thunder, tip-toe for the rain, and fall down when you get all wet.

So what if our breakfast dishes are still stacked in the sink and the laundry remains unfolded, this has been a perfect day, with no arguing and lots of snuggling. And that, my friends… something to sing about!

Kindermusik-inspired theme music: Mud Puddle Jump
(It’ll make ya want to dig the galoshes out of the shoe closet!)

Posted by Miss Kathy, who got a little wet herself today and loved every minute of it!

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