Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Activity #4--SNOW BALL FIGHT!

Brrrrr....it's cold outside! Turn down the heat, bundle up, and gather all of the large cotton balls and tissues you can find. Crank up the volume and listen to "Let It Snow" and have an INDOOR SNOWBALL FIGHT! Then make some snow angels on your carpet and have your child try to catch bubbles (snow) on his/her tongue. Wrap up the festivities with some luke-warm hot chocolate (we don't want to burn those wee tongues) and your favorite holiday read-alouds. Believe me, you're in for a magical experience!

As if having fun wasn't enough...
Moving and dancing is energizing and just plain fun. We know that movement is important for helping children grow physically strong and healthy, but were you aware your toddler’s brain is growing and developing with every bounce, shake, wiggle, or swing? Movement is the key to learning. The brain has a growing plan that involves active movement,
making full use of the complicated nervous system. So next time your toddler seems a little over active, maybe movement is the needed brain food.
With this activity, we're also using our imaginations to pretend that it really is snowing, fine motor skills to pick up those cotton balls, and, most importantly--social skills to get along with each other!! And, THAT, my friends...is something to sing about!

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