Saturday, December 17, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Activity #5--ICE SKATING


Baby, it's cold outside! (Not really, but let's pretend.) You'll need cheap paper plates (plastic or foam don't work as well) and some beautiful skating music. My favorite is "Skater's Waltz" but this will work as well:
Blue Danube Waltz

It's best if your child wears tennis shoes. Have him/her stand in the middle of the paper plates (you can fold up the sides of the plates and tape them together for more support). Find a large, carpeted room, hold onto your child's hands and skate away. Get the whole family involved and have a figure-skating contest. Trust me, even the older kiddos will want to participate.

As If Having Fun Weren't Enough:
You're also building your child's core muscles to prepare him/her to ride a bike, balance on one foot, and more. Not to mention, creative movement with a prop is energizing and just plain fun. We know that movement is important for helping children grow physically strong and healthy, but were you aware your toddler’s brain is growing and developing with every bounce, shake, wiggle, or swing? So next time your toddler seems a little over active, maybe movement is the needed brain food.

We'd love to see some pictures of your little figure skaters. Email us a picture or post one on our Facebook page to claim a FREE scarf to make your next ice skating experience even more magical!

Now, THAT, my friends, is something to sing about!

--posted by Miss Kathy who can't help but smile down to her "frozen toes" when she sees her kids skate the afternoon away without any arguing whatsoever! I rate that a 10!

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